PB Design Sets the Bar for Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

As a company that takes environmental sustainability seriously, it has been incredibly rewarding to have our commitment recognised by Make UK. This leading manufacturers’ organisation advocates sustainable practices in the manufacturing industry and has recently written about our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve net-zero emissions.

Actively Driving and Leading Change

Since becoming an employee-owned company in 2015, we have been dedicated to reducing our environmental impact. With the support from Scott Commons (Operations Manager), Tim Broomfield (MD) and Make UK, we implemented a wide range of carbon reduction initiatives that led us to win awards in the Developing Future Talent category and Manufacturer of the Region (South) at the Make UK Manufacturing Awards 2023.

Achieving Net-Zero Scopes 1 and 2

We established the Green Team in 2023 and have worked hard at promoting environmental awareness across the company, encouraging staff to take action to reduce their carbon footprint. Through our team’s collective commitment, we implemented several key sustainability initiatives, making the company “net zero” at scope 2.

Our Shared Responsibility for Sustainability

As we move forward, we are committed to achieving scope 3 carbon neutrality, which involves considering the environmental impact of our entire value chain. This will require close collaboration with our suppliers to develop solutions that reduce emissions.

To learn more about our pursuit of net-zero emissions and the role Make UK has played in our success, read the Make UK news story here: https://www.makeuk.org/news-and-events/news/employee-owned-company-pb-design-lead-the-charge-toward-net-zero